Projects and plans

Spring is the time for plans and projects. ~Leo Tolstoy

Spring may still be three weeks away, but since the shortest day of the year, we've gained two hours and 45 minutes of light. When you live in Montana, you can feel that difference. We all start dreaming about summer!

The Flathead Lakers and our partners around the watershed have been busy during this quiet time of year planning new and returned summer events, scheduling field trips, outlining new projects, and preparing for the summer visitor and boating season (check out our Upcoming Events).

Boating season and visitors mean ample opportunities for aquatic invasive species (AIS) to hitchhike to Montana's lakes and rivers. The Columbia River Basin, which begins in the Flathead headwaters, is one of the largest remaining watersheds without invasive mussels.

The Upper Columbia Conservation Commission (UC3) met in mid February to update its partners and the public about the fight against aquatic invasive species, and outline the upcoming season's plans and projects.

UC3 was established in 2017 after the first mussels were detected in Montana to enhance prevention efforts in the Upper Columbia Basin. UC3 is made up of many of our partners that we work with regularly, and it provides the opportunity to discuss projects, new research, trends in AIS, etc. with state resources.

We look forward to assisting Montana FWP, CSKT Natural Resources Department, and UC3 'spread the message, not the mussel' and more this boating season.


Flathead Lake Monitor - Summer/Fall 2022


WATCH: Dynamic gravel beaches seminar